Leadership course for the hotel and restaurant industry (ENG)

Leadership course for the hotel and restaurant industry (ENG)

It is not easy to be a leader—whether in a busy restaurant environment, a canteen kitchen with high demands for punctuality and quality, or a hotel reception juggling many tasks.

In our leadership course, we provide you with a wide range of tools that you can use in the daily management of, for example, a restaurant, allowing you to contribute to a healthy work environment with room for creativity while also running an efficient, profitable business.

The course consists of two modules spread over 12 full or half days, focusing on practical leadership development aimed at both new and more experienced leaders.

The content is tailored to the industry, with presentations from industry specialists. In other words, we base it on the reality you and your colleagues encounter in your daily work environment.

The price of the course depends on certain factors. Read more about pricing further down the page.
This course is held in English

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10 dage
DKK 2140,00
Ledige pladser

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Part 1: What you will learn on the first part of the course

  • Your role and behavior as a leader
    You will gain insight into your own leadership style, become aware of your own behavior and attitudes, and develop your leadership role/behavior to be able to act appropriately in collaborative situations.
  • Overview, prioritization, and delegation of tasks
    You will learn to create space for reflection and leadership by becoming more aware of your leadership capacity, for example, by creating an overview, prioritizing, and delegating tasks, and leading upwards, downwards, and sideways.
  • The leader as a culture creator and bearer
    You will become aware of your role as a culture creator and bearer in relation to your own employees, fellow leaders, and the company's management.
  • Industry challenges as a leader
    You will learn to identify and handle leadership challenges with a particular focus on the hotel and restaurant industry.
  • Creating engagement and a healthy bottom line
    You will gain insight into how, as a leader, you can create engagement that has a positive effect on the bottom line.

Part 2: What you will learn on the second part of the course

  • Communication and collaboration
    You will gain a deeper understanding of how to communicate interpersonal leadership with a focus on trust, fairness, and collaboration.
  • Situational leadership
    With a focus on creating well-being and motivation while also promoting efficiency and productivity.
  • Employee development
    Using relevant leadership tools in connection with situational leadership, so that each employee develops their skills and task responsibility.
  • Team leadership
    With a focus on delegating responsibility, decisions, and tasks based on the skills of each employee and the team.
  • Conflict management - theory
    You will gain knowledge of conflict theories, with a focus on development and the reactions of the parties involved, so you can prevent and handle conflicts.
  • Conflict management - practice
    Focusing on internal conflicts and difficult conversations with potential for conflict, as well as external conflicts in the form of complaint handling, both verbally and in writing.

More information

Time and place

The course days takes place at Copenhagen Hospitality College and is structured so that you can manage it alongside your job.

Half-day sessions run from 9:00 am to 12:50 pm. Full-day sessions run from 9:00 am to 4:25 pm.

Course plan

The course consists of two modules:

Module 1: 




9.00 – 16.25


9.00 – 12.50


9.00 – 16.25


9.00 – 12.50


9.00 – 16.25


9.00 – 16.25


Module 2:




9.00 – 12.50


9.00 – 16.25


9.00 – 16.25


9.00 – 16.50


9.00 – 12.50


9.00 – 16.25



The price of your AMU course depends on whether or not you have a higher education degree. If you do not, you receive the course at a reduced AMU price; otherwise, you pay the full price.

Leadership course for the hotel and restaurant industry:

Price without higher education (medium or long): 2080.00 DKK
Price with higher education (medium or long): 7007.50 DKK

In addition to the AMU price, there may be an additional IDV fee for extra course activities, catering, or similar.

IDV fee, Leadership course for the hotel and restaurant industry: 2164.00 DKK (catering)

Meet a teacher

We have gathered some of the best instructors in the industry to lead the leadership program. Meet one of them here:

Christina Gotthard Graae

Christina has a unique background in the hotel and restaurant industry. Her 30 years of operational experience, including 16 years as a leader and 15 years of international experience, give her a comprehensive insight into the industry.

Christina is known for her ability to connect theory with practice, making her teaching relevant and applicable for participants. She focuses on equipping her participants with practical skills and knowledge that can be directly implemented in daily work.

Her passion for the industry and her ability to convey complex topics in an easily understandable way make her a sought-after instructor and consultant.

Useful information

Food on the school

While taking a course at the school, you have several options for lunch.

  • The Restaurant. Employees, pupils, and course participants can eat a lunch menu made by our gastronomy pupils, and served by our waiter pupils.
  • Spisehuset. This is our canteen where you will find affordable green food.
  • Kaffebaren. This is the place to buy sandwiches, salads, fruit, and coffee.
  • Madboderne. When our pupils have made food, bread, ice cream, and cake - this is where you can taste it for yourself.

Smoke-free school

We have smoke free time at the school for everyone. That includes all social events, and it also applies outside of the school. 

The restriction bans all tobacco products including cigarettes, e-cigarrettes, and chewing tobacco.


If you have lessons in the kitchen, you have to wear an approved uniform. You can bring your own or borrow one from the school. 

Read more about the school rules for uniforms here


Elsebeth Charlotte Christiansen

Elsebeth Charlotte Christiansen

M: elc@hrs.dk

Kontakt mig, hvis du har spørgsmål til vores kursuskalender, til- og framelding samt fakturering.

Lene Vietz

Lene Vietz

M: lmv@hrs.dk T: 22464613

Kontakt mig omkring ønsker til nye kurser og samarbejder eller skræddersyede efteruddannelser inden for grøn bæredygtighed, Green Chef og Guest Experience samt udlejning og events.

Marie Haahr Jensen

Marie Haahr Jensen

M: mhj@hrs.dk T: 26708200

Kontakt mig omkring ønsker til nye kurser og samarbejder, skræddersyede kurser inden for ledelse, ESG og Guest Experince samt spørgsmål til efteruddannelserne Kellner og Naturvin.


Kom i gang

10 dage
DKK 2140,00
Ledige pladser