Natural Wine Sommelier

Become specialized within the world of natural wines

Natural Wine Sommelier (awaiting dates)

Natural or low intervention wines are not a trend – they are an established and appreciated part of the modern food scene today and here to stay.

Copenhagen was one of the very first to pick up natural wine on a broad scale and is today one of the epicenters for natural wine together with cities like Paris and London.

At the same time, the possibilities to gain knowledge about natural wine are very limited – while more and more food professionals work with these wines and consumer demand keeps going up.

NWS is a response to this situation. NWS is a series of lectures solely focusing on natural wine, forming a coherent education on the subject. Possibly the first, or at least one of the first, attempts at creating a formalized sommelier education on natural wine – in the world.

Get started

Start date
End date
12 days
15.000 - 25.000 kr. incl. vat

NWS deals with four main questions:

  • What is natural wine?
  • What kind of phenomena can be expected when a bottle of natural wine is opened?
  • What in the wine-making process is different than conventional wine-making?
  • Wine pairings – how to match wine & food? Is there a natural-wine-twist?

Additional info

What you will learn and experience

  • Insights and knowledge regarding the notion of “natural wine”
  • How natural wine relates to conventional, organic, and biodynamic wines
  • Visits to natural wine dealers and natural wine producers
  • Harvesting / fermenting grapes with a natural wine producer
  • The history of natural wine
  • The natural wine scene in specific areas, both geographically and culturally
  • The cause & effect in the sensory of natural wine
  • General principles in matching wine & food are presented.
  • Specific examples of wine pairings are experienced.
  • And of course, lots of wine – you´ll taste 10-15 wines at each module

The ambition with NWS is to offer an opportunity to turn natural wine inside & out and make the participant a sommelier in natural wine.

Important dates

The course combines 12 days 

Starting date: Coming soon

Ending date: Coming soon

Classes are mostly from 16.00 until 21.00*

*We will inform about possible time and dates variations in advance. 

Lectures - overview

Next course - Coming soon  


You will become part of an eco-system of natural wine connoisseurs, food professionals, private enthusiasts and collectors, importers and dealers, restaurateurs, and other lovers of natural wines.

We would love to reconnect with some of our former students at the Copenhagen Hospitality College (Hotel- og Restaurantskolen), so there is a special discount for alumni.

Price and Payment

Price: DKK. 25.000 incl. vat.

Price for former students of HRS: 40% discount, 15.000 incl. vat.

Payment can be divided into two or four installments, contact Connie Lyholmer: for more information about the sign-up.


If your employer is covered by a collective agreement, you can read more of the subsidy here:

In order to be able to apply for subsidy from a competence Funds, your employer must be covered by a collective agreement. You can read more about the possibilities here. 

Unfortunately, the Natural Wine Sommelier is not approved for the so-called positive-list, but a company can still apply for a subsidy and the application will be processed individually. It is expected that the application will be approved, but it’s not a guarantee.

Please be aware, that it has to be under condition of ‘self-selected’ education and the company will be able to obtain a subsidy of DKK 140 per hour for a maximum period of 74 hours, depending on the employee’s previous use of ‘self-selected’ education.

Practical Info and Rules

Students will receive a certificate of attendance and the studying material. 

Students will be provided with all the necessary equipment to attend the classes.


All classes will be held in Valby, Copenhagen, at Hotel- og Restaurantskolen, but you can expect some visits to local wine producers. 

General Rules

In order to receive the certificate, the student should attend all the classes. If the student has to miss any of the classes he/she needs to make sure to inform the teacher or the person in charge from HRS in advance. 


In order to guarantee your spot we ask that you pay a deposit of DKK. 2.500,00. You can get your deposit back by cancelling your submission one month before the starting date of the course. Please note the enrolment is complete only after the payment.

Once completed the application form we will send a deposit invoice to you. 

The teacher – Pontus Elofsson

We are very proud that this course will be taught by one of the most experienced educators on the subject, Pontus Eloffson.

Besides being a great sommelier and expert on the natural wine-making process, Pontus also has a great network of people within the natural wine world, some of whom you will meet as guests or visit during the course.

Pontus’ experiences include:

  • Independent company Doctor Krull consulting on natural wine 2020 
  • Educating about natural wine 2015 
  • Importing natural wine to Denmark & Sweden 2011 – 2020
  • Author of the natural wine book ”På Noma får man vin med klumper i” 2012
  • Sommelier/Manager at Noma 2004 – 2012
  • Sommelier at Pierre-André, Formel B, 1. sal th, Kroghs Fiskerestaurant, Era Ora 1999-2004
Pontus Elofsson is a teacher on the Natural Wine Sommelier course at Copenhagen Hospitality College.

Sign up for the course

Personal information
Contact information
I agree

Useful information

Food on the school

While taking a course at the school, you have several options for lunch.

  • The Restaurant. Employees, pupils, and course participants can eat a lunch menu made by our gastronomy pupils, and served by our waiter pupils.
  • Spisehuset. This is our canteen where you will find affordable green food.
  • Kaffebaren. This is the place to buy sandwiches, salads, fruit, and coffee.
  • Madboderne. When our pupils have made food, bread, ice cream, and cake - this is where you can taste it for yourself.
  • Bar' Kaf. If you have an urgent need for coffee, you will be served barista- quality coffee by our receptionist pupils.

Smoke-free school

We have smoke free time at the school for everyone. That includes all social events, and it also applies outside of the school. 

The restriction bans all tobacco products including cigarettes, e-cigarrettes, and chewing tobacco.


If you have lessons in the kitchen, you have to wear an approved uniform. 

You can bring your own or borrow one from the school. 

Read more about uniforms.


Reach out to our course-department:

Anna Fie Bak Johansson
Course administrator

Anna Fie Bak Johansson


Contakt me if you have practical questions about specific courses, like signing up, cancelling, class sizes, waiting lists etc.

Lene Vietz
Projekt- og kursuskonsulent

Lene Vietz

M: T: 22464613

Contact me with general questions about courses, teambuilding-options and events.

Marie Haahr Jensen
Faglig teamleder

Marie Haahr Jensen

M: T: 26708200

Contact me if you have ideas for new courses or collaborations, or if you want to arrange a tailor-made course for your organisation.